'Quick, efficient and helpful' - Partnership launches new webchat service
A new webchat service has been launched by the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership, providing residents with direct access to the customer contact team of its three councils, without having to pick up the phone.
Pranali Parikh joins the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership as Director of Economic Development
The South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership has welcomed Pranali Parikh as the Partnership's Director of Economic Development.
Packed programme of cultural activity and development for the next 12 months announced
The South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership launched the programme for the second year of its Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation this week, as part of the successful first-ever South & East Lincolnshire Cultural Conference.
Crackdown on Social Housing Tenancy Fraud: South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership and Platform Housing join forces
In a concerted effort to combat social housing tenancy fraud, South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership (SELCP) and Platform Housing have joined forces to address instances where housing association properties are being unlawfully occupied or tenants are living elsewhere.
New community orchards created across South and East Lincolnshire following delivery of home retrofitting scheme
Fifteen new community orchards have been created across Boston, East Lindsey and South Holland thanks to the delivery of home energy efficiency upgrade works for residents in the sub-region.
South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership bring forward huge array of initiatives to support markets in Boston, East Lindsey & South Holland this summer
The South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership are set to bring forward a huge array of initiatives to support markets across the sub-region this summer, aiming to grow the profile of existing traders, support young market traders and increase market-related footfall in Boston, East Lindsey and South Holland.
Almost £325,000 awarded to Parish Councils, Village Halls and community groups across South & East Lincolnshire through UK Shared Prosperity and Rural Prosperity Fund's LCF GRASSroots programme
Just under £325,000 has been awarded to community projects and groups via a scheme which has been funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural Prosperity Fund, distributed by the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership.
First South and East Lincolnshire Cultural Conference taking place this May
A new South and East Lincolnshire Cultural Conference will take place for the first time this May, giving arts and heritage organisations and practitioners across the region the chance to network, share ideas and get involved in the launch of a new creative programme of work.
Eligible residents in Boston, South Holland and East Lindsey encouraged to apply for grants to improve home energy efficiency
Could you or someone you know benefit from a warmer home and cheaper energy bills?
South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership announces its new People & Skills Programme: Over £1.8m Invested in Employment, Social Mobility and Economic Growth
More than £1.8million has been awarded by the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to projects aimed at supporting residents into higher skilled, higher paid work.
Engagement event taking place for suppliers in South & East Lincolnshire
Public Sector Partnership Services Limited (PSPS) have organised a supplier engagement event to engage with local suppliers and businesses, provide details around Public Sector Procurement, and advise on how to sell to the Councils.
A fair deal for funding of Internal Drainage Boards presented to MPs and Ministers at Parliamentary event
Members of the Local Government Association Special Interest Group for Internal Drainage Board levies have stressed the urgent need for funding reform to Government Ministers and MPs at a Parliamentary event.